If you want more information on this program, including policies and how to report concerns, visit the diocesan website page https://www.dosp.org/safe-environment/. For information specific to how Saint Anne ensures compliance, please call the office.

A first step in becoming a volunteer is to complete Online Training:
Go to: https://stpetersburg.cmgconnect.org/
Create a new account by completing all the boxes. This includes your primary parish: St. Anne Ruskin, your personal address, email, phone number, and how you participate at the parish. Most volunteers will simply indicate “Adult Volunteer“.
Make note of your username and password for future visits.
From the main dashboard click “Start Curriculum“. [see image below] A Safe Environment Program – St. Petersburg
When you complete the course you may print your certificate for yourself and email directly to MinistryCoordinator@SaintAnneRuskin.Org for next steps.