All volunteers are required to complete Safe Environment Training before participating in parish activities.
Click here to take the online training.
For more information about the parish ministries contact Linda at the parish office at 813-645-1714 or email.

Come Pray the Rosary
Join people of the parish before the 8:00 AM daily Mass to pray the rosary together.
Pray for our world, our country, the clergy, our parish, our families, our military, and our young people. No meetings no formal preparation; just pray with us.
Attendees start the rosary around 7:25 AM on weekdays.

Guardians of the Eucharist (Adoration)
Can you watch with me?
- Jesus will give you His peace within you as you spend time with Him. Guardians of the Eucharist are needed during Adoration on Wednesday and Friday mornings after the 8 a.m. Mass until noon and at other select times during the liturgical year.
- You may spend the time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament any way you want. You may bring prayer books, read the Bible, pray the Rosary, or just sit, relax and enjoy the peace that comes from being in His Presence.
- The only requirement to serve is the desire to deepen your personal relationship with Jesus and grow in faith, hope, and love. The amount of time to serve is up to you. We ask only that you sign the register in the Narthex and indicate the amount of time you spend in Adoration.

Audio Visual Presenters (AVP)
AVPs assist with Parish presentations. Requirements include being technically inclined and a commitment to assist at a particular Mass and/or special event. All presenters will be trained to use the equipment and may be required to attend occasional meetings to discuss upcoming events, schedules, and other relevant business.

Bereavement Ministry
We are in great need for volunteers to help with funerals.
The Lazarus Team provides caring consolation and support to families who are grieving the loss of loved ones. The members attend funeral services; welcome the attendees, offering solace and prayer for the deceased and those left behind. the team members carry out the duties of Lectors, EMHC, Greeters, Altar Servers and
Sacristan as needed.

Faith Community (Parish) Nurses
Faith Community (Parish) Nurses Plan to Restart Volunteers are exploring opportunities to reopen the Faith Community Nursing Program this fall. If you are a registered nurse, in the medical profession, or have administrative skills and are eager to discern a pastoral calling, we would like to know of your interest in learning more about becoming a member of Faith Community Nursing. Contact Linda in the Parish Office to learn more about joining the team.

St. Anne Bingo
Volunteers needed to help on Thursday nights. Have fun and enjoy the company and excitement.

We are looking for volunteers to assist as sacristan in preparing for Mass and cleaning up afterward. In addition to the qualifications below a sacristan must be reliable to serve at their assigned Mass on a regular bases.
- Be fully initiated and practicing members of the Catholic Church.
- Attend Mass regularly.
- Give positive witness to the Christian life.
- Have knowledge of the Order of the Mass.
- Show reverence for the sacredness of the Sacred Vessels and the Body and
- Blood of Christ by their manner of dress and decorum at liturgy.
- Be fully aware of the manner of preparation, distribution and disposition of the Body and Blood of Christ.
- Have an understanding of the overall Mass and the needs of each ministry.
- Participate in the ongoing formation and training program.
- Be a registered member of the parish.
- Be regular to the schedule and be willing to serve when needed and as requested.
- • Be compliant with the Diocesan Ethics and Integrity in Ministry requirements.