The St. Anne Food Pantry distributes food to approximately 400-500 families every Wednesday from 8 AM – 11 AM. The pantry is located on the St. Anne Campus at 106 11th Avenue Northeast in Ruskin, Florida.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, office, employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Donations. The pantry is supported through donations from the church and community. Many area churches, organizations, companies, neighborhoods, grocery stores, and individuals support the pantry through food and/or monetary donations. We are blessed and thankful for the many who support our pantry, giving so generously to the many who are food insecure in the Southshore area.
All food items that are donated may not be expired or opened. Food donations may be brought to the donation barrels in the narthex at St. Anne Church or brought to the Parish Office. Those with large size donations should contact the Parish Office at 813-645-1714 to make arrangements for delivery. Monetary donations can be sent to St. Anne Church Food Pantry, 106 11th Avenue Northeast, Ruskin, Florida, 33570.
Volunteers. The St. Anne Food Pantry is staffed by volunteers from the parish and community. If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please contact the Ministry Coordinator at St. Anne Church at 813-645-1714 or email Please be aware that most food pantry volunteers stand for approximately four hours on Wednesdays (one-half hour for set-up, three hours for distribution, and one-half hour for cleanup). There are, however, a few volunteer positions available where volunteers pick up items from area grocery stores at specified dates/times and deliver them to the food pantry. All volunteers must receive Online Safe Environment Training.