St. Anne Advent Reflection for Dec 15th
In today’s selection from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he calls for them to “rejoice in the Lord always.”
Readings for today:
By Deacon Pat Frye, OSF
In today’s selection from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he calls for them to “rejoice in the Lord always.” It is important to remember that Paul is speaking to a community that is being persecuted for their faith. We Christians today can find ourselves out of place in a world full of violence and suffering. It seems that people often turn to the world and not to God. We may be dealing with our own difficulties and may ask, “What is there to rejoice about?”
We can rejoice that the Father loved us enough to send His son to teach us the way to live in the Kingdom of God, now and forever.
We can rejoice that Jesus will come again at the end of time and will come to meet us at the end of our time on earth.
We can rejoice that Jesus is always near to us. We meet Him in prayer, service to others, and especially when we receive Him in Holy Communion.
Rejoice today and always for the Lord is near!
Deacon Pat was ordained in 1984 in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and has served at St. Anne for 12 years. He was also professed to the Franciscan order in 2010.